Jogos y Lotarias

by alonsoapps

News & Magazines


Latest results of jogos and lotteries on your smartphone. 🇵🇹

This application provides the latest lottery results of Jogos Santa Casa de Misericordia and Casa da Sorte- Euromilhões- Totoloto- Lotaria Clássica- Lotaria Popular- Totobola- Milhão- Chuva de Milionários.

Read trusted reviews from application customers


Jhony Pamnani

I" like this app Google finance Managers FTSE 💯

Ghislaine Moutima


Khadka Sujit

Intrusivo, instruções em espanhol, terrível

Manuel Barroso

Does the job and avoids lines in stores

Vivacine Guarda

Pior usabilidade em apps que já vi. Não permite jogar

Ines MS

que aplicação tão podre.


Lots of undesired adds. Waist of time

José António Silva

It used to be some what useful not for the ads pumping up all the time, but now it's useless app keeps puping up add in full page and crashes straight away I think this app should be banned until proven fixed

Hugo Cardoso

Isn't original app from Jogos Santa Casa da Misericórdia

Miguel Pereira